Jul 29, · The Forum in popular culture. My experience was also filtered through my past experience of movies and books that were known to have been influenced or inspired by the Forum. It’s well known, for example, Get smart with the Thesis WordPress Theme from DIYthemes A Guide to The Structure of Spiritual Emblems. There is a secret language we all recognize, but few are fluent in- the language of symbols. Symbols surround us in myriad forms and form an inextricable part of our daily lives, yet unlike our spoken languages, schooling in symbolism is left to the individual initiative Follow me—and my friends—to website success. I make software because I want to do everything better, smarter, and blogger.com I sell software because I want to help you do the same! But it’s not just me Once you become a Focus customer, you’ll gain access to the DIYthemes forums and an entire community of people who are focused on getting the most out of their websites
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A Guide to The Structure of Spiritual Emblems. There is a secret language we all recognize, but few are fluent in- the language of symbols. Symbols surround us in myriad forms and form an inextricable part diythemes thesis forum our daily lives, yet diythemes thesis forum our spoken languages, schooling in symbolism is left to the individual initiative.
Many of the symbols we take for granted today as static signs of religious or secular life were created long ago, diythemes thesis forum, representations of the movements of earth and heaven, symbols of the seasons, and representations of cosmic and earthly deities, diythemes thesis forum.
Over time, they have acquired layers of increasingly complex meaning, and this evolution of meaning tells us much about how we diythemes thesis forum our ideas about the nature of life and the universe. Signs used in modern diythemes thesis forum and Western religious traditions share a common ancestry that dates before the creation of writing.
These symbols are powerful because they are archetypal- even cultures that do not share language share an innate understanding of symbols. Knowing how to recognize these smaller units will allow you to decipher many of the larger symbols whenever you encounter them.
Knowing the secret system behind these symbols can provide an incredible amount of insight into even the most inscrutable signs. The basic building blocks of symbolism. The Circle is the most common and universal signs, diythemes thesis forum, found in all cultures. Diythemes thesis forum is the symbol of the sun in its limitless or boundless aspect.
It has no beginning or end, and no divisions, making it the perfect symbol of completeness, eternity, and the soul:. The circle is also the symbol of boundary and enclosure, of completion, and returning cycles. The circle symbolism most familiar to us is that of the wedding ring which encircles the finger associated in ancient times with the heart.
The wedding ring symbolizes not just a pledge of eternal love, but the enclosure of the heart- a pledge of fidelity. The circle reflected represents the dyad, the introduction of duality, and represents creation and manifestation. The equal armed solar cross is another universal symbol, which can be found in every culture with a knowledge of the passage of time. It is the first truly theological emblem, marking not only the points of the solar calendar, but the juxtaposition of the realm of the material with the realm of the divine.
The cross is in this case actuality two separate signs. First, a vertical axis, representing man, the body, and our upright posture, which is unique in the animal kingdom.
The vertical line symbolizes the path from earth to heaven and the realm of spirit, symbolizing the dual nature of man, who embodies the spiritual and the temporal. The vertical diythemes thesis forum equates directly to the human spine and to the tree of life, as well as to the axis mundi, the great pole around which the constellations of the zodiac revolve.
These seemingly disparate ideas share a common idea- they link the earth and heavens. Thus is the concept of the connection between earth and heaven established- and also the divinity of man, who alone is built on this axis. The horizontal axis, represents the path from birth to death, beginning to end, and linear time.
This axis represents life on earth as a binary, linear process- life to death, beginning to end, and the dual nature of human existence evidenced by our symmetrical shapes: left and right, male and female, good and evil.
Both axis are also representations of the sexual nature of man, the vertical line representing the solar phallus, and the horizontal, diythemes thesis forum receptive, female earthly nature.
Many early solar temples such as Stonehenge are not only solar calendars, diythemes thesis forum, but representations of the earth awaiting fertilization from the masculine energies of the sun. The appearance of the rays of the solstice on these ancient solar altars represents the copulation of the gods The cross, then, is the symbol of humanity- when the two axis are combined in a cross shape, they represent the cube of space, the four elements, and the binding together in man of matter and spirit.
A cross within a circle forms a solar cross or a horoscope wheel, both symbols of spirit and matter. A horizontal bar within a circle is the alchemical symbol for salt, pure material existence in its most exalted state.
The equal-armed diythemes thesis forum is often disguised in religious art as a four petaled flower, a cube, diythemes thesis forum, or a scepter.
Because diythemes thesis forum the inherent nature of this symbol as representational of both the sun and the divine in man, the cross is commonly associated diythemes thesis forum redemptive solar deities.
Read more about the Dying God archetype here. Some examples of the Tau cross are the cross of Attisthe egyptian Ankh surmounted by a loop or circleand the Norse Irminsul, diythemes thesis forum. The arc found in more complex symbols, diythemes thesis forum, especially planetary symbols, represents ascension or striving. The arch has been a traditional element of architecture and often figures in commemorative monuments of triumph and achievement. The sigils of the planet Saturn and Jupiter, for example, diythemes thesis forum, combine identical symbols with very different results, using the arc in conjunction with the cross.
In the sigil of Jupiter, the arc of aspiration rises above the struggle of matter and spirit, and symbolizes bounty, triumph, expansion, and success. The crescent represents the powers of the moon- reflective and receptive. An example of this symbol taken to its highest symbolic meaning would be the Holy Grail A reversed crescent often represents emptiness and illusion.
The triangle is one of the most easily recognized religious symbols in the West, most commonly associated with the Christian trinity or Freemasonry. The triangle is the simplest geometric shape, diythemes thesis forum, and also the first purely theological symbol. Diythemes thesis forum the ancient Pythagoreans, the triangle was, as the first complete polygon, the womb of number and the essence of stability.
Triangles stand in for the Christian trinity of Father, Son, and spirit, as well as the earlier primordial trinity of Isis, Osiris, and Horus. The upward moving triangle is sometimes called the blade the chalice and blade diythemes thesis forum ceremonially in many ritual magic operations.
Diythemes thesis forum is a symbol of aspiration or rising up, male force, and fire. It is purely phallic in origin. The triangle represents aspiration, rising force, and the male principal. The downward pointing triangle is sometimes referred to as the chalice.
It is the symbol of water as it flows downwardthe diythemes thesis forum of heaven, and the diythemes thesis forum. it is one of the most ancient symbols of female divinity, diythemes thesis forum, as a representation of the genitalia of the goddess. When combined, diythemes thesis forum, the triangles of fire and water form a potent symbol of balance and divine union.
In western diythemes thesis forum, it is called the Seal of Solomonand the symbols for air and earth are derived from the reconciliation of water and fire in this symbol. The hexagram has an identical meaning in Hinduism and Buddhism as well, where it also represents the divine union, or perfect balance of male and female energies, diythemes thesis forum.
Kabbalistically, it is the sign of resurrection and completeness- in Hebrew tradition, it is called perfect.
Occasionally, this conjunction forms a diamond or lozenge shape. Next: The Egg, the eye, and the serpent: Exploring more complex symbols. It is a circle with two semi-circles at the top and bottom partially inside of the full circle and then inside of the circle there is a line in the middle. Is this an existing symbol I have been unable to find any information on it.
I know this may sound insane but one night my spirit was taken to Hell or what I thought was Hell. It was a prison on the very top floor of Hell.
My right shoulder was marked by a circle with different symbols on the circles line itsself circling my shoulder. There was nothing in the middle just the outside line of the circle itsself, please help.
I would like to hear the opinions of all the humans who view this website, and more specifically, this comment, diythemes thesis forum. So please, if you read this, send me your best explanation of this symbol. Diythemes thesis forum upside down triangle, with a circle within, and a sideways diamond inside the circle.
Everything fits inside the initial triangle, and the diamond is perfectly in the center of the circle. while we were smoking cigs, Not sure if this is important, but my mother is deaf. I had the sudden urge to draw a symbol I had never thought, diythemes thesis forum, seen, or drawn before. so I rolled up the sleeve on my right arm, and drew this symbol in the middle of my forearm, slightly to the left.
My mother said absolutely nothing about this strange behavior, which in itself is strange, since she is usually very inquisitive about strange behavior, side effect of being deaf, I believe.
and we went back inside. Coincidentally the day after I came back home after laying there for an hour or soI added a new piece of clothing to my attire, in the form of a white scarf. I wear full black, down to my jeans and a black trenchcoat. my hat is even black with a rainbow skull on it. Oh, and by the way, please no one replying telling me to get help; I am getting help, diythemes thesis forum I want people who feel like they have been blessed with the diythemes thesis forum of interpreting signs to see if they can understand what I drew on my arm that night.
Another note, diythemes thesis forum, I drew the symbol at night, or at least diythemes thesis forum it was dark out. Not sure on the time though. I felt Jealousy and ego. A diythemes thesis forum woman walked up behind and commented on the significance of the symbol and it gets sort of blurry from there. I am pretty sure I, ironically, felt less ego, realizing how odd it was for me to react in such a way emotionally. I also feel like it might have corresponded with money in some way, I either visualized various forms of currency, thought of it, or both… help, insight?
My friend had a creepy reflection in a picture that appeared on her phone while she was in school during a test.
it looked like it had been taken in her room. It looks kinda like the deathly hallows symbol in the sense that it has a triangle and a verticle line. but instead of a circle there is a diamond shape. Anyone know what that means?
anyway it is a short regular cross and above it is an upside down semi circle …in the middle of the semi circle which is upside down is one dot…i said the cross was short because the top part being the semi circle with dort and the bottom part being the cross are about the same size…the only thing to add is this dude was …without sounding judgemental….
seriously flaming ok…. I found a pendant that consists of 4 circles each smaller and fitting inside of the previous one. Evenly spaced. There is an upside town triangle in the center, the width of the 2nd ring or corners stemming inward from the 2nd ring.
Diythemes thesis forum are straight lines coming from the inside angle of the triangle an meeting the cancer circle. There are also 3 smaller symbols in the centerline of the 2nd ring alternating with the triangle corners. I saw a symbol in a dream of a downward facing triangle with two parallel vertical lines running through it.
I really need someone´s help. I have been drawing the same symbol for almost a year now and I can´t find a single page about what it could mean.
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Annexation of Texas. Joint Resolution of the Congress of the United States, March 1, 28th Congress Second Session Begun and held at the city of Washington, in the District of Columbia, on Monday the second day of December, eighteen hundred and forty-four Follow me—and my friends—to website success. I make software because I want to do everything better, smarter, and blogger.com I sell software because I want to help you do the same! But it’s not just me Once you become a Focus customer, you’ll gain access to the DIYthemes forums and an entire community of people who are focused on getting the most out of their websites A Guide to The Structure of Spiritual Emblems. There is a secret language we all recognize, but few are fluent in- the language of symbols. Symbols surround us in myriad forms and form an inextricable part of our daily lives, yet unlike our spoken languages, schooling in symbolism is left to the individual initiative
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