Jun 11, · Grade six students celebrated graduation from their week Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) course at Skaha Lake Middle School on Friday, a Argumentative Thesis. As explained in Research, not all essays will require an explicitly stated thesis, but most argumentative essays blogger.comd of implying your thesis or main idea, in an argumentative essay, you’ll most likely be required to write out your thesis statement for your audience Simple Search Advanced Search: Category
Argumentative Thesis - Excelsior College OWL
Counseling generally refers to the provision of assistance or guidance that eventually helps solve personal, social or mental problems. A professional individual normally administers it. It normally takes a number of forms including individual counseling, group counseling, and couples counseling. Those partners who generally want to improve their intimate relationship normally use couple counseling, on the other hand.
Counseling may be beneficial in a number of ways. It can make one have a better understanding of things that help in getting new skills to manage themselves better.
Through the help of the counselor, essays on drug abuse, individual can respond to problems in different perspective. There are important aspects of counseling that make its usage effective. One of these aspects is confidentiality; his means that a counselor is by ethics required to treat all the information that a client shares as confidential material Skinner, Another important aspect is the counseling process; this depends on the individual counselor and client and the urgency of the issue in question.
However, the general process to be followed include: collecting of background information, identifying key issues, case development, setting goals for therapy, implementation of intervention and evaluation. Theories of counseling vary and mostly depend on the views of different writers.
The ones reviewed include client centered, holistic health, learned optimism, cognitive behavioral, solution essays on drug abuse and existential. In client centered counseling, the client is motivated to discover things and develop as a result of the guidance and climate that the counselor provides.
In this type of counseling, the common features include active listening, acceptance, truthfulness and empathy. Holistic health, on the other hand, stresses the importance of physical well being, essays on drug abuse, emotional, social, vocational and spiritual needs. If these are ignored then an individuals will easily succumb to stress, which can affect their well-being. There is essays on drug abuse type of counseling practice that allows for interaction between the client and the counselor.
This method allows them to discuss the success that occurred in the past and those occurring in the present. This form of counseling is referred to as learned essays on drug abuse counseling. This also allows them to address the problems that should be anticipated in the present and the future. It involves having a positive mind and normally directs individual on focusing how things can turn out to be.
Cognitive behavioral therapy also referred to as the ABC method, can be described as any form of therapy that is based on the belief in ones thought and that normally is directly connected to the way one feels.
The individual then beliefs in the ideas. This normally leads to different consequences concerning the outcome of the essays on drug abuse. Thus, this form of therapy helps clients identify distorted thinking that causes emotional problem and help solve them. Solution focused therapy normally focuses on the outcomes, this is to mean that the primary goal is focused towards achieving what the client wants through use of therapy rather than the cause that made them seek therapy.
This kind of approach focuses on the present and future, and the client is normally advised to focus on the future and how it has changed. The existential approach is simply based on the presence of individual in a therapy session and the reason as to why they are there in the first place.
Counseling and psychology are interrelated; the use of psychological principles to overcome different problems is facilitated through counseling.
Therefore, counseling psychology is a specialty that brings together research and applied work to achieve broad areas. These areas include the counseling process and its outcome, supervision and training, development of career, prevention and health issues. Some unique features of counseling psychology include the focus on people, essays on drug abuse, environment interaction and impact personalities.
Psychologists get to the answers to the behaviors of people through counseling. Psychologist are normally interested in finding answers through counseling process and outcomes, in which through the process they get to ask questions and the outcome will determine whether the process was effective and successful. In this process, the psychologist uses certain techniques. These include client variables and cultural variables.
Therapist variables and mechanism of change are also included. Therapist variables include the traits of a counselor, theoretical orientation and behavior. Research on effectiveness of therapy models has found that following particular models of therapy can be helpful or have a positive impact George, essays on drug abuse, Client variables, on the other hand, include certain essays on drug abuse such as attitude to seek help and attachment style Gazzaniga, This has essays on drug abuse very useful in counseling.
Stigma from mental illness motivates people to accept the fact that they have problems and make them seek help. This is also related to public stigma.
Attachment style, on the other hand, can be viewed in different ways, essays on drug abuse. Those clients with avoidant styles are known to think that counseling will give them minimal benefit and thus are less likely to seek help Gazzaniga, However, essays on drug abuse, securely attached ones react differently. They perceive counseling to be greatly beneficial, essays on drug abuse.
These kinds of individuals seek such professional help. Anxious attachment is said to perceive a lot of importance as well as risks to counseling, thus, providing education about expectations of counseling can change clients attitude tremendously. Counseling relationship as referred in counseling psychology refers to the feeling in which a client and a therapist have towards each other and the way which they are expressed in.
This kind of relationship may fall in three categories: counter transference, working alliance and personal relationship. Secure base hypothesis is a theory concerning the function of counseling and is normally related to attachment theory; this enables the client to have a reference point. The counseling psychologists use different approaches. They incorporate things such as cultural variables in the counseling practices.
They relate such aspects with the processes and results arrived at during counseling. Recent studies show that black clients are at risk of racial discrimination from white counselors. Thus, it is advised that counselors get help and expertise for working with clients of different race, gender, and other oppressed populations Gazzaniga, Counseling outcomes normally looks at different symptoms such as the specific disorders and behavior changes.
Positive outcomes like quality of life form a basis of life-satisfaction measure report. According to Gazzaniga, research has shown that the counseling process and outcome use various research methods to answer different counseling questions There are various quantitative methods used. One of them includes the conducting of correlation studies. This is applied in the counseling course and during clinical trials. They also apply during the actual process of counseling and the studies on the processes in counseling and the outcomes.
On the other hand, qualitative methods involve conducting, essays on drug abuse, translating, and coding therapy sessions.
It, essays on drug abuse, thus, can relate to different kind of setting in a population like essays on drug abuse mental health setting and in-patient clients on drug abuse. In community mental health setting, there are different individuals that suffer from all sorts of mental breakdown illnesses.
Counseling helps in making them understand the core reason behind their mental breakdown and possibly help them deal with the fears that relate to it, the end results normally depends on the attitude of patients and their response to therapy during these counseling sessions. Different setting, thus, has different counseling approach and depends also on the technicality of the given situation, client variables normally helps a lot during some session.
It is important to note, therefore, that counseling can only work where a client is willing to participate, normally psychology can be used to gain this will. Counseling in essence is the profession that is highly dependent on the need of clients, and their personality.
In other occasions, counselors influence decision making in individuals. This way, they influence the kind of decisions the clients make.
Some of their decisions may change their lives completely. Values in counseling introduce us to the various theoretical perspectives of psychology that can be used in counseling. There are various theoretical perspective in psychology and are commonly referred to as paradigms.
They include behavioral, biological, cognitive, humanistic, social, Freudian, essays on drug abuse, and developmental. Focusing on developmental perspective, its information processing, developmental approaches as a essays on drug abuse bring us to the approaches that can be applied in counseling.
There are three basic approaches currently under debate. They include information processing, life span development, and developmental approaches. My approach under investigation was based on the concept of irrational beliefs, concepts of feelings and behavior, essays on drug abuse.
The counselors may incorporate therapy in the session and combine it with behavior. This way, the councilor personalizes the therapy session. How individual feels and reacts to such feelings is the first step in knowing that something is not right, and that can further lead to reasoning and, thus, essays on drug abuse, the decision that motivates them to seek counseling.
Certain feelings like sadness and anxiety results lead to the desire for a response that is characterized in behavior socially or privately George, Behavior is normally motivated to result in a change in the human mind.
When ones response is based on false emotions then negative and possibly harmful results will be achieved. Negative essays on drug abuse may sometime be the reason that individual or groups in a therapy session realize the need for change, essays on drug abuse.
The counselor, thus, needs to be prepared to be able to give proper guidance, and be in a position to detect emotions or behavior patterns that exhibit in individuals or a group. This may lead towards finding out what actually the problem is with particular individual or a group, or may enable proper interpretation of events that led to therapy, essays on drug abuse.
When a counselor discovers the behavior in an individual is no longer functioning, it may be a good indicator for assessing the things that the individual now believes in and, thus, emotional health can be regained through removing the negative thoughts and distortions and trying essays on drug abuse give them emotional and personality balance.
Behavioral response as a perspective in counseling can provide a significant impact to the change process of an individual or a group.
Normally, clients who decide to go for counseling have different problem they are aware of but need the help of a therapist to be able to identify the core reason as to why they cannot solve it.
Exploring this perspective enhances the buildup of a therapy case before and in the course of counseling. The counselor needs to know and differentiate the kind of feeling that a client shows at the initial stages of counseling, like feelings of resentment and possibly anger may exhibit itself directly with behavior and that this is genuine, essays on drug abuse. In later stages of counseling and as the counselor and the client relationship is built up, the counselor may uncover the thought that leads to the disruptive behavior and feelings.
This will form the basis of an integrative individual counseling, which shows that individuals are motivated by their thoughts, emotions and behavior. Essays on drug abuse are different approaches employed in counseling psychology.
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Dec 18, · In practical terms, we see that “psychology and counseling explore concepts such as emotion, personality and interpersonal relationships” (Gazzaniga, ). It, thus, can relate to different kind of setting in a population like community mental health setting and in-patient clients on drug abuse Simple Search Advanced Search: Category Argumentative Thesis. As explained in Research, not all essays will require an explicitly stated thesis, but most argumentative essays blogger.comd of implying your thesis or main idea, in an argumentative essay, you’ll most likely be required to write out your thesis statement for your audience
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