Sunday, August 1, 2021

Essays on hiv

Essays on hiv

essays on hiv

When your teacher asks you to write an essay on AIDS and HIV, you should take the steps mentioned below: An essay on AIDS and HIV needs a clear conceptual understanding of the subject. At first, you need to do a little Then you need to know the causes and methods of how the disease is spread HIV is the virus that infects the person, while AIDS developes into the disease that was caused by HIV. As stated before, doctors and scientists have developed drugs that can let people live with HIV before ever getting the AIDS virus. HIV has many similarities to other less serious viruses The increased incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency yndrome (AID) among the African-American population is an alarming issue. 35% - more than one third - of all cases reported in the United tates and 43% of newly reported AID cases are among African-Americans, even though this population only comprises 12% of the American population (PR

Informative Essay On Hiv And Aids - Words | Help Me

HIV Education HIV essays on hiv are stabilized, but there are still many at-risk persons. There has been considerable research as to the best ways for the education system in particular to handle this issue, and this report will synthesize some of those issues.

Kirby, Laris and Rolleri conducted a meta-analysis of HIV education programs around the world. They found that two-thirds of the programs "significantly improved one or more sexual behaviors, essays on hiv. There 17 such…. Works Cited: Kirby, D, Laris, B. Sex and Essays on hiv education programs: Their impact on sexual behaviors of young people throughout the world, essays on hiv.

Journal of Adolescent Health. Kirby, D. British Medical Journal. Thomas, S. Public health then and now. American Journal of Public Health. Lawrence, J. Comparison of education vs. behavioral skills training interventions in lowering sexual HIV-risk behavior of substance-dependent adolescents. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. HIV Infection A medical condition in which the immune essays on hiv is destroyed by a virus called as Human Immune Deficiency Virus is known as HIV infection.

The loss of immune function deteriorates the ability of the body to fight against various types of pathogenic infections caused by harmful micro-organisms Quinn. The virus attacks the immune cells of the body which are basically the white blood cells CD4 T cells due to which the white blood count of the body infected with the virus is reduced to a great extent.

Increased reduction of CD4 cells leads to progression of HIV infection to AIDS Cunningham et al. The diagnosis history of HIV dates back to when a few homosexual individuals in Los Angeles and New York were caught.

These individuals represented clinical phenotype of pneumonia lung infection and skin cancers. Furthermore, there was a marked reduction of the CD4 cells white…. Works Cited Cunningham et al. Daar, Eric S. Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV Management. com, 5 March Kwidni, Tidi. New Research Claims Potential Cure for HIV Discovered. org, 18 Jan Moore, Richard D. The primary method used by the program will be an advertising campaign that addresses the need for behavioral change by the delivery of a personal message to the target audience, which has been shown to be highly effective in other areas Singh, It will also encourage HIV testing and informed status essays on hiv sexual partners, essays on hiv.

It will discourage the sharing of needles among IV drug users, essays on hiv. The program will use community resources to target the general population. The success of these initiatives will be measured by the number of cases of new HIV patients by healthcare facilities.

Measurable results will be obtained through tracking of new Essays on hiv positive cases. It will not consider those that already have HIV, only the number of new cases reported to the Washington County Health Department by the various required reporting agencies in the area. The success of the program will be measured on an…. References Section 1 Ciantia, F.

et al. Journal of Medicine and the Person 7 2 essays on hiv html Gray, essays on hiv, R. Uganda's HIV Prevention Success: The Role of Sexual Behavior Change and the National Response. Commentary on Green et al. The subjects were adolescents years old. They were recruited from schools and health clinics. The subjects completed an in-depth survey and interview at baseline and again 6 months later.

At baseline, five-scale measures and a single-item measure were used to assess predictive constructs, essays on hiv, and at follow-up, the subjects were asked about their frequency of condom use over various periods of recall. The researchers created multivariate models to control for the confounding influence of pregnancy status. They then found that the findings were remarkably essays on hiv, with evidence that strongly supports the predictive role of perceived barriers toward condom use and peer norms.

Based on the measure of sexual communication, the researchers found significance for two of the six assessed outcomes. Alternatively, measures of attitudes toward….

References Crosby, essays on hiv, R. Identification of strategies for promoting condom use: a prospective analysis of high-risk African-American female teens. Prevention Science: The Official Journal of the Society for Prevention Research 4 4essays on hiv, Emans, S. Society for Adolescent Medicine Position Paper on Reproductive Health Care for Adolescents.

The Journal of Adolescent Health: Official Publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine Vol. Harvey, essays on hiv, B. Evaluation of a drama-in-education programme to increase AIDS awareness in South African high schools: a randomized community intervention trial.

Morrison-Beedy, D. HIV Risk Behaviors and Testing in Adolescent Girls: Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice. Pediatric Nursing. HIV Vaccine It Takes a Village Advances in medical treatment follow two paths more or less simultaneously. The first of these is the basic and directed scientific research that is needed to provide the concepts and solutions that may be channeled into particular treatments or cures. The second is equally important in terms of the ways in which medicine is conducted in the current age: The infrastructure to fund medical developments, to guide them through the approval essays on hiv, and to distribute them to the medical professionals and patients who will be able to use them is a complicated and extremely expensive process.

This paper examines the current state and possible future directions of the process of developing a vaccine for AIDS, focusing on the latter of these two pathways while touching on the current state of the science of such a vaccine Shilts, The quest for a vaccine for….

References Bentwich, Z. Immune activation is a dominant factor in the pathogenesis of African AIDS. Immunology Today 16 4 : -- Cowley, P, essays on hiv. Preliminary cost-effectiveness analysis of an AIDS vaccine in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. Health Policy 24 2 : Iaccino, E. Jul The aftermath of the Merck's HIV vaccine trial. Harmon, K. Renewed hope. Scientific American 1 : 15 -- UNESCO Courier, October Around half of all new cases of HIV infection in the whole world involve young people between 15 and 24, and essays on hiv more and more cases, below age Why is this so?

Because everybody knows that it is the age when you begin experimenting with sex and change partners most often which compounds the problem because it multiplies the risk of infection. Girls are more vulnerable because of two reasons: the female genitals are more susceptible to infection…. References Book AIDS, Essays on hiv, Supporting Information. Revised Edition Getting Youth through the AIDS Crisis.

Monthly Publication UNESCO: The Courier. UNESCO 31 Francois Benvin, essays on hiv. Boyer, B. AIDS risk and prevention among adolescents. Social Science Medicine, 33, HIV Nursing The human immunodeficiency virus HIV is a retrovirus actually a lentivirus that eventually causes the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS; World Health Organization [WHO], There are two subtypes of the HIV virus: HIV -- 1 in HIV -- 2 the agent in the epidemiological triangle.

Both are transmitted to the host humans via the exchange of bodily fluids such as by sexual contact, rectal contact, blood, or breast milk Centers for Disease Control [CDC], According to the World Health Organization WHO the biggest risk factor associated with acquiring HIV is unprotected sex WHO,


, time: 23:22

Essays on Hiv. Essay topics and examples of research paper about Hiv

essays on hiv

The human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) has developed several strategies to condition the host environment to promote viral replication and spread. Viral proteins have evolved to perform multiple functions, aiding in the replication of the viral genome and modulating the cellular response to HIV is the virus that infects the person, while AIDS developes into the disease that was caused by HIV. As stated before, doctors and scientists have developed drugs that can let people live with HIV before ever getting the AIDS virus. HIV has many similarities to other less serious viruses The increased incidence of Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Acquired Immunodeficiency yndrome (AID) among the African-American population is an alarming issue. 35% - more than one third - of all cases reported in the United tates and 43% of newly reported AID cases are among African-Americans, even though this population only comprises 12% of the American population (PR

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