At the moment, much of the debate revolves around the safety of the illegal drug trade and how it is handled by law enforcement. As you can imagine, there remain a myriad of angles from which you can write an essay about marijuana. To get a better sense of how to write your essay, check out some samples of papers on which to base your outline Additionally, there would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana sold on the streets. Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value. It has been proven that medical marijuana treats a wide assortment of “untreatable” diseases and conditions Marijuana is a greenish-gray mixture of the dried and shredded buds of the Cannabis Sativa plant (, with innumerable medical values that could help fight diseases and illnesses, yet some strongly stand with the outdated idea that the herb should remain illegal. Cannabis should be legalized in America not only for medical purposes, but also for recreational use by adults over the age of
Why Marijuanas Should Be Illegal Essay | WOW Essays
Please join StudyMode to read the full document. Tyler Wyrick Ms. Russo English Some go on vacation and spend money while others look to drugs. The sense of high that results from using marijuana acts as an escape from the stresses of everyday life.
As a result, a tremendous number of Americans participate in the illicit use of marijuana. Our American society is facing a tremendous drug problem that will increase exponentially by the legalization of this drug. Marijuana should be illegal because it will cause an increase in drug users and drug related crimes, the short term and long term effects of marijuana on the body, and the effect it will have on the country. One of the consequences of legalization would be a tremendous increase in marijuana users.
Right now with the use of illicit drugs comes the fear of law enforcement agents and punishment causes individuals to be too scared to try marijuana. However, if weed become legalized, the fear becomes nonexistent and the number of users skyrockets. Legalized marijuana provides an ease of access to the drug, which in turn, promotes an increase in sales and use.
An increase in marijuana use will also English marijuana should be illegal essay May Should Marijuana be Illegal? Cannabis Sativa is a Schedule 1 controlled substance. This drug has been known to treat and even cure certain diseases. This drug is also known as Marijuana.
Marijuana gives the user a relaxed and sleepy side effect. This is one of the many side effects of this drug. Marijuana has many beneficial side effects and also marijuana should be illegal essay grave side effects. This marijuana should be illegal essay be further explained later in the report.
Marijuana is used recreationally, illegally smoking, and medicinally for medical use when needed. When used medicinally, Tetrahydrocannabinol THC is usually removed from Marijuana.
Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States of America. This topic, along with the research accompanied it, very much peaked my interest. This led me to pose the question: Should Marijuana be Illegal? I believe that Marijuana could either stay illegal or the United States government can finally legalize it. in Rosenthal and Kubby Young, stated this in the matter of Marijuana Medical Rescheduling Petition, in when attempting to list marijuana as a Schedule II drug Keene Incannabis was made illegal with the passage of the Marijuana Tax Act.
Since it was criminalized, billions of dollars have been spent in marijuana —related incarcerations. Marijuana consumption should be decriminalized in the United States for both medical and recreational use because it could prove medically, marijuana should be illegal essay, economically, and socially beneficial for the nation. The first reason marijuana should decriminalized in the United States is for its medicinal value. Marijuana can be used to treat an assortment of diseases and disorders, and also helps in pain relief.
Patients suffering from glaucoma, marijuana should be illegal essay, an ocular disease where the eye is subject to increased pressure that damages the optic nerve, marijuana should be illegal essay, eventually leading to blindness, can be treated with Nunes Online English 12 16 January Why Marijuana marijuana should be illegal essay be legalized Multiple studies have found that marijuana is less harmful than alcohol and tobacco yet somehow is still considered a schedule 1 drug along with other more extreme drugs such as heroin.
Marijuana is the leaves and shredded flowers of hemp plant called Cannabis sativa which is usually a green or gray mixture. Marijuana can be not only smoked in the form a joint, blunt, bowl, bong, etc but can also be eaten.
Uses of marijuana can be medically or recreationally and the use of it can be dated back to thousands of years ago in Asia when its effect was discovered for medical and spiritual purposes. Marijuana should be legalized not only for the immense possibility of tax revenue but also because regulating marijuana makes society safer, marijuana should be illegal essay, providing job opportunities and the countless health benefits.
Despite that marijuana has been known as being an agent for reaching bliss it also provides many health benefits that could benefit many with a variety of conditions. The debate on whether marijuana should be legal has been going marijuana should be illegal essay for a long period of time now. The argument intensifies even more now that four states in the US have legalized marijuana for recreational use.
When smoking marijuana tetrahydrocannabinol THC the leading stimulant is released. Receptors on nerve cells receive the stimulant and as a result the effects from marijuana will be experienced. THC is the one responsible for the psychological effects felt by marijuana users such as mild euphoria, and relaxation that usually last around hours. Cannabis is used way back in ancient Egypt, and even George Washington praised hemp in some of his writings.
So why must it fall under such heavy scrutiny now? With the legalization of marijuanathe government can regulate the drug by taxing and distributing it for consumption. I believe that marijuana should be legalized because it will lower down crime rate, improve the economy, and benefit the society from medical aspect. The first reason to legalize marijuana is because of the vast health benefits Marijuana is a very prominent and controversial subject in our society today.
There have been many slanderous claims about how cannabis is horrendous, however the truths are starting to surface. I strongly believe that marijuana should be legalized for all purposes. If the government cannot stop us from harming our bodies by overeating or skydiving, marijuana should be illegal essay, why should they be able to stop us from using drugs?
The use of marijuana for medical purposes dates back thousands of years. Medical marijuana can be prescribed to treat diseases like cancer marijuana should be illegal essay other long term diseases such as glaucoma. Marijuana can be used to increase appetite, calm muscles, relieve pain and sedate. Center for Medicinal Cannabis Research, marijuana should be illegal essay.
With all these medical benefits, how could marijuana be harmful to us? Marijuana is not harmful, marijuana is not damaging, and marijuana is not deadly. The National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism and Centres for Disease Control and Preventions statistics show that annually people die from tobacco, 88 die from alcohol, Why Marijuana over Tobacco - English Persuasive Essay About 50 percent of incoming college freshmen have admitted to using marijuana.
And about 40 percent of them smoke it on a regular basis. The question is why is marijuana illegal and tobacco legal? This marijuana should be illegal essay not true. It truly depends on the person whether they are going to do otherdrugs.
People who smoke marijuana do not have a higher chance of getting addicted or even trying cocaine or heroin than non-users, marijuana should be illegal essay. Many negative facts have been told of marijuanamostly by the tobacco industry, which are false. Why is the tobacco industry so concerned with marijuana and its negative effects? It is because the tobacco industry is trying to take some of the attention off of their product and marijuana should be illegal essay the finger at marijuana.
Marijuana is healthier, safer, and has more medical use than tobacco does. Most illegal drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, are mixed with many different chemicals, but not marijuana.
Marijuana is grown from the ground. No chemicals are added during or after the growing process, just sunlight and water is needed for the plant to grow. Once the plant reaches its peak, it is taken down and hung up Contents I. Introduction to Cannabis II. The History of Marijuana III.
The Prohibition IV. Economic Benefits of Legalizing Marijuana V. The Medical Benefits of Marijuana VI. Marijuana vs. Alcohol and Tobacco VII. Marijuana Stimulates Creativity and Brain Cell Growth VIII. Conclusion Should marijuana be legalized for recreational and medical purposes? Introduction to Cannabis The legalization of marijuana would be a positive aspect in the American society.
Marijuana relieves millions of people of the pain that accompanies these struggles on a daily basis. The THC tetrahydrocannabinol in marijuana causes people to experience a euphoric Sign Up.
Sign In. Sign Up Sign In. Home Essays Why Marijuana Should Be Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal Topics: AddictionCannabisDrug addiction Pages: 3 words Published: March 26, Continue Reading Please join StudyMode to read the full document. You May Also Find These Documents Helpful. Why Marijuana Should Be Illegal Essay Marijuana should be illegal essay More. Should Marijuana Be Illegal?
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At the moment, much of the debate revolves around the safety of the illegal drug trade and how it is handled by law enforcement. As you can imagine, there remain a myriad of angles from which you can write an essay about marijuana. To get a better sense of how to write your essay, check out some samples of papers on which to base your outline Argumentative Essay On Legalizing Marijuana. Due to the fact that marijuana is currently illegal, it reaches American teenagers and even preteens, through a black market, operated by criminals and organized crime. By legalizing marijuana and setting an age limit on the purchase of it, the black market for cannabis would virtually crumble Additionally, there would be no risks of users taking in unknown substances mixed in marijuana sold on the streets. Marijuana should also be legal because it has a medicinal value. It has been proven that medical marijuana treats a wide assortment of “untreatable” diseases and conditions
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