Sunday, August 1, 2021

Shortest phd thesis physics

Shortest phd thesis physics

shortest phd thesis physics

Ph.D. degrees are often earned by those who wish to enter the realm of research, leadership, or education in their chosen field. As this distinguished degree is very impressive, you can expect to exhibit hard work and dedication beyond your imagination. Earning a Ph.D. is not for the faint of heart! However, besides accomplishing your own personal goals, Ph.D. holders are dedicated to the 3 Minute Thesis Competition (senior PhD students) Tutoring in AIMS structural masters program (senior PhD students) PhD candidates are encouraged to pursue internships in industry or external institutions towards the end of their PhD in a field related to their research topic, depending on sufficient progress on their dissertation Spend your free time wisely, doing what you LIKE. Experts at our writing service will prepare your original custom paper of any academic level and deliver in without delay - just warn us in advance

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Students who wish to pursue studies in computer science leading to the degree of Master of Computer Science MCS or Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science PhD can do so in joint programs offered by the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science EECS at the University of Ottawa and the School of Computer Science at Carleton University under the auspices of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science OCICS.

The Institute is responsible for supervising these programs and for providing a framework for interaction between the universities in graduate computer science education. In addition to the faculty members from the two computer science programs, the Institute also has members with computer science expertise from other departments.

The estimated amount for university fees associated with this program are available shortest phd thesis physics the section Finance your studies.

International students enrolled in a French-language program of study may be eligible for a differential tuition fee exemption. Graduate Studies Office, Faculty of Engineering STE King Edward Ave. Ottawa ON Canada K1N 6N5. grad uottawa. Twitter Faculty of Engineering Facebook Faculty of Engineer, shortest phd thesis physics.

For the most accurate and up to date information on application deadlines, language tests and other admission requirements, shortest phd thesis physics, please visit the specific requirements webpage. Note: International candidates must check the admission equivalencies for the diploma they received in their country of origin.

Applicants must be able to understand and fluently speak the language of instruction French or English in the program to which they are applying. Proof of linguistic proficiency may be required, shortest phd thesis physics.

Applicants whose first language is neither French nor English must provide proof of proficiency in the language of instruction. In order to apply to the co-op option, you must first be admitted to a program that offers co-op. The co-op option is not available to MCS students in the Accelerated Stream.

Your application must be submitted by the end of the first month of enrollment in your primary program, i. Admission to the co-op option occurs on a competitive basis and is managed by the Co-op Office. Enquiries should be directed to that office. Applicants who lack the required undergraduate preparation may be admitted to a qualifying-year program. A major degree holder with superior academic standing may be considered for admission to the qualifying year with suitable background preparation.

Course selection must be approved by the student's academic advisor. A maximum of two three-unit courses at the level are permitted. A student may be permitted to carry out thesis work off campus provided suitable arrangements are made for supervision and experimental work, and prior approval is obtained from the Joint Program Committee. Students are responsible for ensuring they have met all of the thesis requirements. For students in the Accelerated Stream, the two OCICS courses taken as part of their undergraduate degree can be used to satisfy at most two of the above category requirements.

Requirements for this program have been modified. Please consult the calendars for the previous requirements. Subject to the approval of the graduate coordinator, a student may take up to half of the course units in the program in other disciplines e.

electrical engineering, mathematics and physics. Available to students enrolled in the thesis option or the coursework and project option. uOttawa focuses research strengths and efforts in four Strategic Areas of Development in Research SADRs :, shortest phd thesis physics. With cutting-edge research, our graduate students, researchers and educators strongly influence national and international priorities.

For more information, refer to the list of faculty members and their research fields on Uniweb. Materialized and virtual approaches to integration of heterogeneous and independent data sources. Emphasis on data models, architectures, logic-based techniques for query processing, metadata and consistency management, the shortest phd thesis physics of XML and ontologies in data integration; connections to schema mapping, data exchange, and P2P systems. This course is equivalent to COMP at Carleton University.

KR is concerned with representing knowledge and using it in computers. Emphasis on logic-based languages for KR, and automated reasoning techniques and systems; important applications of this traditional area of AI to ontologies and semantic web. CSI Topics in Medical Computing 3 units. Introductory course on data shortest phd thesis physics, algorithms, techniques, and software development related to medical computing in particular spatial modeling. Topics may include: computational geometry algorithms for cancer treatment, medical imaging, spatial data compression algorithms, dynamic programming for DNA analysis.

CSI Network Security and Cryptography 3 units. Advanced methodologies selected from symmetric and public key cryptography, network security protocols and infrastructure, identification, anonymity, privacy technologies, secret-sharing, intrusion detection, firewalls, access control technologies, and defending network attacks. Prerequisites: familiarity with basic concepts in networks, network security, and applied cryptography.

Security in encryption algorithms. Encryption and decryption. Entropy, shortest phd thesis physics, equivocation, and unicity distance. Cryptanalysis and computational complexity. Substitution, transposition, and product ciphers. Symmetric ciphers: block and stream modes. Modular arithmetic. Public key cryptosystems.

Factorization methods. Elliptic curve, lattice-based, and homomorphic cryptography. Proofs of security. Course Component: Discussion Group, Laboratory, Lecture, Research, Seminar, Work Term, Theory and Laboratory, Tutorial.

CSI Principles of Formal Software Development 3 units, shortest phd thesis physics. Methodologies in formal software specification, development, and verification. The use of theorem proving, automated deduction, and other related formal methods for software correctness.

Applications in program verification and secure computation. CSI Software Quality Engineering 3 units. Software quality issues. Quality components and metrics. Software process quality. Software reliability engineering. Software design for testability. Requirements capture and validation. Systematic design validation; grey-box approach, test design, implementation and management, case studies in validation and verification of communications software.

Object-oriented design and test. Theoretical aspects. Topics of current interest in Software Engineering, such as requirements engineering, precise and advanced modelling, shortest phd thesis physics processes, change management, standards, and emerging types of applications.

CSI Foundations Programming Languages 3 units. Advanced study of programming paradigms from a practical perspective. Paradigms may include functional, imperative, concurrent, distributed, generative, aspect- and object-oriented, and logic programming. Emphasis on underlying principles. Topics may include: types, modules, inheritance, semantics, continuations, abstraction and reflection.

CSI Database Analysis and Design 3 units. The dimensional and multidimensional data models for data warehousing. Data dependencies and decomposition. Structure and use of data definition and manipulation languages. Database economics, engineering, deployment and evolution. Issues in integrity, security, the Internet and distributed databases. Relationships to decision support systems. CSI Authentication and Software Security 3 units. Specialized topics in security including advanced authentication techniques, user interface aspects, electronic and digital signatures, shortest phd thesis physics, security infrastructures and protocols, software vulnerabilities affecting shortest phd thesis physics, non-secure software and hosts, protecting software and digital content.

CSI Automated Verification and Validation of Software 3 units. Simple methods of data structure design and analysis that lead to efficient data structures for several problems.

Topics include randomized binary search trees, persistence, fractional cascading, self-adjusting data structures, van Emde Boas trees, tries, randomized heaps, and lowest common ancestor queries. Design principles and metrics for usability. Qualitative and quantitative methods for shortest phd thesis physics evaluation of software system usability: Heuristic evaluation, usability testing, usability inspections and walkthroughs, cognitive walkthroughs, formal usability experimentation, shortest phd thesis physics.

Ethical concerns when performing studies with test users. Economics of usability. Integration of usability engineering into the software shortest phd thesis physics lifecycle. CSI Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems 3 units.

Computational perspective of geographic information systems GIS. Data representations and their operations on raster and vector devices: e. Analysis and design of efficient algorithms for solving GIS problems: visibility queries, point location, facility location.

CSI Algorithms in Bioinformatics 3 units.

Is it hard to do a PhD in physics? ft. David Gozzard

, time: 11:45

Master of Computer Science < uOttawa

shortest phd thesis physics

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