The legalization of homosexual marriage would actually encourage family values and discourage risky lifestyles. Problems such as sexually transmitted diseases which come to mind as associated with sexuality are hallmarks of promiscuity. Marriage encourages monogamy and faithfulness, the types of behaviours that should be encouraged Legalization of gay marriage have constantly been shown to provide an economic boost (Gay marriage have benefits to today’s society gay marriage could be a financial gain to the federal state and local government. Allowing gay couples to get married will increase marriage rates. Fewer couples will get divorced when there is more compatibility Therefore, according to the discussed arguments, gay marriages should not be legalized in the society. To conclude, it is ethically wrong and unnatural when two males or two females are wed. The same-sex marriages are harmful because they pervert the natural order of the world
Gay Marriage Should Be Legal Essay - Words | Bartleby
Why do people have a problem with gay marriage? It is not all people who have a problem with gay marriage, but there are those who believe that gay marriage is an abomination and goes against God.
Others however, believe that people are just people, and it does not matter if you are gay or not. Charles Colson believes that gay marriage is the end of the tradition of marriage; especially if gay couples are able to adopt children. Katha Pollitt however, believes that it does not matter if a couple is gay, straight, or elderly; as long as they are happy together and love one another.
Which means that there is no logical reasoning behind people disapproval of gay marriage. At the end, marriage is not defined by religion; but instead interpreted by the government. Regarding the controversial issue of same sex marriage. Non-consensual sex is a global occurrence that is said to be widely prevalent, yet not all cases are reported and those which are reported are not taken seriously by law enforces. Thus, should gay marriage be legalized essay, substantial investigation on the issue has accumulated much support for the view that non-consensual sex even in marriage, is deemed to be a rape offense.
On the contrary, numerous countries around the world have societal norms that support the perception that marriage gives men the right to have sex with their wives; and for this reason, non-sensual sex in marriage is not considered to be rape.
If looked at from this point of view, we can see that gay marriage is impacting the reproductive balance. The biggest argument that follows polygamy is whether it is an abusive trap or not. Obviously, the intent of polygamy is not to go against universal values, such as sexual activities with minors or adultery, but there are groups of people who take the original idea of polygamous marriages and relationships and twist it into a sinister act. Should gay marriage be legalized essay, in its pure form, is a moral and valid type of marriage.
The few who do abuse this type of marriage for odd and disturbing sexual habits would most likely continue to commit these acts whether or not they were polygamous. Sexuality rights is often overlooked in history especially in the 20th century as not many historians talked about the inequality for gays and lesbians therefore it is hard to say this form of inequality shaped the United States.
Gay liberation can be linked to feminism as in the s homosexuals also stood up for their own rights in the fight against inequality. People on this side of the argument believe that the idea that people are not born gay is as outdated as other recently disparaged beliefs, such as being left-handed. There are also several studies that have looked into the possibility of people being born gay and many of them have conclusive evidence that people are, in fact born with tendencies toward a certain sexual orientation.
People are so accustomed to the traditional relationship of a man and a woman that they try to push those gender roles onto single gender relationships. When a man shows personality traits that we should gay marriage be legalized essay normally associate with a woman, that does not make him the should gay marriage be legalized essay in the gay relationship because he is biologically a man. I couldn 't agree more with Mays in this article, a women can be more masculine and that does not make her a man, so why does society feel the need to force strict gender roles on everyone.
He claims that it would be impossible for them to truly get to know each other because of their differences. This is considered a paradox because at a first glance it might see plausible since different races do have different cultures and backgrounds. However, it is not true that people from different ethnicities should not get married just because of their different backgrounds since it is possible that they can get to know each other.
People in general have different views and backgrounds, no matter their race. The civil rights movement and the right for the LGBT to marry one another are similar but also extremely different. Often we try to relate one event to another to try to heighten the importance of the current topic of debate. Doing this can often devalue the importance of a past event making it harder for the newer generations to relate to it and understand it.
The reason why they are similar is because it is a group of people seeking equality that the majority of society already has. They are also similar because the group they hold ties to had no previous rights. To go into more detail, Mississippi has created a law to where doctors can refuse to provide medical care to he or she that are homosexual, as well as therapist do not have to counsel them either. Religion has been the backbone of numerous anti-gay marriage views as many hate, conservative, and homophobic groups have used this excuse to attempt to deny gay people the right to marry the person they love.
However, Democrats follow the separation of church and state; therefore, they have chosen to defend gay people and their right to get married as there is practically no justifiable or medical reason that proves that being gay is not right or gay people cannot raise children as properly.
Democrats also understand that there are certain rights and benefits that gay people were denied before the legalization of gay marriage. Which means that everyone has equal rights no matter how unique. So if gay marriage is illegal, then same-sex couples. An RFRA would allow people to target gay people because of their sexual orientation. Gay marriage is one of the most controversial topics today in politics, so when it was legalized, people were naturally angered because of the two sides to the issue, should gay marriage be legalized essay.
Because gay marriage is now legalized, people want to find a way that they can find loopholes in gay marriage, so it cannot be completely legal. They do this by using RFRAs which allow people to take actions depending on their religious beliefs. IPL Argumentative Essay: Should Gay Marriage Be Legalized? Argumentative Essay: Should gay marriage be legalized essay Gay Marriage Be Legalized?
Should gay marriage be legalized? Over the years attitude towards gay should gay marriage be legalized essay in some countries was different. Howeverin most cases homosexual acts were criminalized. In specific countries same-sex intimacy was punishable, included execution. In contemporary world situation has changed but there still exist problems regarding the recognition of gay rights. This essay will advance the idea that not only have people with different sexual orientation equal rights to fulfill their potential but also they have got freedom of choice.
Any kind of discrimination is not acceptable. Consequently, issues such as: legalization of marriage, employment, should gay marriage be legalized essay, public accommodations, credit lending, housing for non-traditional sexual orientation people ought to be taken into account. The reasons are different why legalization of gay marriage is impartial. Not only does it have importance in a sense of democratic principles but some kind of benefits can be brought as …show more content… Specific people consider that the only one purpose of marriage is to create offspring and because of gay couple can not have a child, they do not have rights to marry.
This opinion is more subjective rather should gay marriage be legalized essay realistic. First of all, reasons of marriage could not be determined and it can be vary in different cases. Besides, if the same logic is taken reasonable then not only for should gay marriage be legalized essay couples but also for heterosexuals rights to marry has to be restricted. There are several reasons for this: Firstly, there exist heterosexuals who do not want to have child and secondly there are infertile couples who can not have child.
Therefore, taking into consideration the idea that marriage is for procreation can not be in the relevance with. Show More. Charles Colson Gay Marriage Analysis Words 3 Pages Why do people have a problem with gay marriage?
Read More. Katha Pollitt What's Wrong With Gay Marriage Analysis Words 4 Pages Which means that there is no logical reasoning behind people disapproval of gay marriage. Why Is Non Consensual Sex In Marriage Be Rape Words 4 Pages Non-consensual sex is a global occurrence that is said to be widely prevalent, yet not all cases are reported and those which are reported are not taken seriously by law enforces.
Argumentative Essay About Polygamy Words 4 Pages The biggest argument that follows polygamy is whether it is an abusive trap or not. Sexuality Rights In The 20th Century Words 2 Pages Sexuality rights is often overlooked in history especially in the 20th century as not many historians talked about the inequality for gays and lesbians therefore it is hard to say this form of inequality shaped the United States.
Born Gay Argumentative Essay Words 6 Pages People on this side of the argument believe that the idea that people are not born gay is as outdated as other recently disparaged beliefs, such as being left-handed. Thomas Jefferson Beliefs Words 5 Pages The civil rights should gay marriage be legalized essay and the right for the LGBT to marry one another are similar but also extremely different. Religious Freedom Restoration Act Rfra Words 5 Pages An RFRA would allow people to target gay people because of their sexual orientation.
Related Topics, should gay marriage be legalized essay. Homosexuality Sexual orientation LGBT Bisexuality Same-sex marriage Gay, should gay marriage be legalized essay. Open Document.
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, time: 55:11Gay Marriage Should Be Legal - Free Essay Example |
Gay marriage is in fact a controversial topic that many people feel strongly about. I believe that gay marriage should be legalized without being penalized by people who disagree with it. I will, within reason, explain to you why gay marriage should be legalized and argue against Karlee’s essay about why gay marriage shouldn’t be legalized The argument regarding gay marriage should be legalized or not is extremely controversial. For the past thousand years, marriage has been recognized as the social union between a man and a woman. In most cultures across the globe, homosexuality was viewed with condescension, and marriages between same-sex couples were forbidden Gay marriage should be legalized in the United States because denying this right is unfair and unconstitutional; marriage is not about money or judgment of society, but about a couple’s love for each other, and it will help reduce or solve social problems
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